This is totally true! This post will only be here for a short time. There is a new company that is something just like Paypal. They are offering a free $25 to anyone who signs up and sign-up is free! There are no catches, you do not have to do anything further to get the $25.
Just sign up free, click accept next to the $25 in your account. Then you can click withdrawal up at the top. You have 2 options. You can transfer the money to your bank account (you will need to verify your bank account first). I chose this option. The second option is to request they send you a check. The only downside is they take $2.50 for a processing fee. If you are uncomfortable giving out your bank account info you will still be walking away with a free $22.50.
This company is FDIC insured and is totally legit. I have received $300 already via my bank account since I made this post. I also know many other WAHM's that have requested payment by check and have received it.
There is a bonus as well. If you tell your family, friends, or even strangers out in cyberspace and they sign up you will get an extra $10 per person. You can do this up until you reach $500 which is only 50 people. That is my current goal.
This truly is an opportunity to get free money. I go with my saying, "If it's free, it's for me!"
PS. This is only open currently to US residents.